

This is my little website nested away from the hell that is corporate internet. Enjoy your stay.


I know how to use unreal engine, blender and hopefully 3dsmax soon. I also can code in C, python, C#, and of course HTML (otherwise you wouldnt be seeing to this page.)


  • Making unreal engine games
  • Photography
  • Ham radio
  • music production

Quick links

these are websites that i find cool enough to deserve attention on my website but arent part of a webring


Unfortunatley im not in any right now

those badge thingies

nekoweb badge homestuck badge piracy queer pride nft? no fucking thanks no webp 1 of 2 best heard with a 3.5mm jack i wish it was 2001 made with debian discord? no way scp made with emacs froggy gay webring shit code